It is my pleasure to write this message for the Centre for India-Canada Studies. It is indeed very heartening to learn that the activities of this Centre (formerly Centre for Canadian Studies) have been revived successfully. The Centre has organized several webinars in the pandemic period on very topical issues, an international conference including participants from diverse fields and an international faculty development programme on Academic Bank Credits. I would like to congratulate Prof. Suman Kundu and Prof. Yamini Gupt for their efforts in this direction.
Internationalization of the University is a very active theme and I hope to see the Centre rise to the occasion and lead the University in this direction. I hope to see the Centre facilitate mutual collaborations between Indian and Canadian scholars on themes of mutual interest. I look forward to seeing more collaborative activities between Indian and Canadian academicians, researchers and industry under the aegis of the Centre for India-Canada studies. The Centre is encouraged to promote exchange of students, ideas, culture and knowledge domains in various disciplines. I wish the Centre success in all its endeavours.
Prof. Yogesh Singh
Vice Chancellor